Black Hat - The Film

Desperate to get to an anime convention halfway across the country, a quirky teen artist “borrows” her sister’s car, kidnaps her wily, black sheep grandfather and together they embark on the road trip of a lifetime.  

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Cassie England died on Jan. 10 after a lifelong battle with a rare skin disease. Her goal was to be an artist and she loved the Japanese animation art form of anime. Her story will be included in an upcoming film by writer-director Robbie Bryan entitled "The Black Hat." Listen...

Cassie England, scomparsa lo scorso mese per via di una rara malattia della pelle, verrà citata nell'imminente film Black Hat di Good To Be Seen Films. Cassie era afflitta da una epidermolisi bollosa distrofica di tipo recessivo, che indebolisce la pelle e ne causa l'erosione con estrema facilità. Era conosciuta...

We talked to Robbie Bryan, the director of a cool anime inspired film called Black Hat! Check it out to learn all the details and how you can support the production! Listen to the full interview here.

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